3-D Printed Rigid Heddle Loom
We acquired our first (and short-lived 2nd) 3-D printers through Kickstarter projects years ago, moved onto kits shortly after, and in …
We acquired our first (and short-lived 2nd) 3-D printers through Kickstarter projects years ago, moved onto kits shortly after, and in …
The Tulips sweater is sitting here, waiting for 23 ends to be woven in and 3 buttons to be sewn on. At …
Still crafting away! Though Autumn hasn’t brought us any chill yet, it will… eventually. And I’m preparing. I bought 10 skeins of …
This is a nice tradition that has a German/Euro background that’s been adopted by the Waldorf world. I am not very Waldorf-y, …
The kids are out of school for the summer and my craft time (and energy) are a lot more limited. Lots of …
The first official day of “summer” for the kids- and this is one of the things that kept them busy. I tried …
They’re such quick little projects, which means it’s easy to make our little girl smile. 🙂 All of these are GGDesigns patterns- …
Sometimes, I just get a silly idea in my head and just HAVE to try it out. And this particular idea was …