Squirrel, squirrel, girl. And bunnies!
More scroll sawing. My daughter really wanted a girl farmer- wearing a dress. So… well, she’s happy with her.
These little guys are so tiny- definitely the most detailed of the smallest things I’ve cut out. I love the little animals at Etsy seller OohLookItsARabbit (and her adorable shop name), I had to make a set of squirrels and bunnies after seeing hers. I don’t have a whole lot of hope that those tails are going to stay attached forever- I was really limited by the scrap I was using, and these are not aligned the way they should be. Walnut is pretty tough, though- the kids will have to put some effort into snapping the tails (or that little front arm) off.
And look- speedy squirrel plays dead pretty well, too! Fun!
And these guys are poplar- a much softer wood. I don’t have a lot of hope for the bunny ears- I felt like one of them was going to snap off just sawing it! Luckily, poplar cuts really quickly, so if these end up earless, I won’t be upset.
For now? They make a cute little scene together. 🙂